School Fayre
We are looking for donations to help with fundraising at the school fayre on Sat 7th March 2020
02 March
We are looking for donations to help with fundraising at the school fayre on Sat 7th March 2020.. Some of the things we are looking for are what you might expect, others are a bit.......random!
All will be revealed at the fayre. So here goes.......
Please donate
- Bottles of everything and anything from wine to bubble bath, if it's in a bottle, in date (if applicable) and unused, we can use it!
- Tombola items - again in date, unused, good condition
- Empty Pringles tubes - cleaned out if possible
- Easter Eggs/Easter Sweets - any size, make
- Balloons - just ordinary balloons, any colour or pattern
- Voucher for anywhere or anything - if you know anybody that has their own business and could donate a voucher that could be used a prize, that would be amazing.
- Good quality raffle prizes.
- Used paper - if you work somewhere that has lots of paper that gets recycled, please hand it in to us - obviously not anything that has confidential info on it though!
- Tubs of lollies and sweets
Please hand all donations in to the school office/reception marked for the attention of Mrs Loughins
Thank you