ICHS Update
Good afternoon all
Good afternoon all,
We hope you have a nice evening and weekend planned.
Fridays update is below.
Suzie's Snippets
Suzie's Snippets 19/11/2021 (opens new window)
S2 Tracking, Careers and Parents Evening
Please keep an eye on your email and phone for the information being released on Monday about the tracking reports (and how to access them), the information on coursing and a guide on how to access the parents evening that is coming up.
I know we had originally put an entry in the diary called Information evening (we hoped we would be allowed to do this in person) but unfortunately, this is not the case. We have created an online resource that you can discuss with your young person and it will also be used in the PSE programme to help them think about the choices they need to make just now and talk through any questions they might have.
SDS Webinar
Parents and carers - Looking for some help to support S2/S3 option choices?
Hear from professional SDS careers advisers about how to support decision making and the support available from SDS.
National online event 1st December at 6.30 pm SDS Webinar (opens new window)
STEM Newsletter
Our STEM Ambassadors are really keen to update on some of the different things they are involved in and work with pupils and staff in the school to highlight the importance of STEM in pupils learning. To access, click here: STEM Newsletter - November 2021 (opens new window)
Works on Harrysmuir Path
Works will commence as scheduled on Harrysmuir Path on Monday 22nd of November, the works will be completed in phases but we would advise that pupils and parents use the signed diversion route to access Inveralmond Community High School.