
History department overview

The History department is part of the Social Subjects faculty in Inveralmond Community High School.

Courses Offered

History is taught in all levels of the school from S1 to S6. History is a core subject in S1 and S2 and optional beyond those years in line with most other subjects.

The topic areas for History are as follows:


  • Ancient Greece
  • The Romans
  • The Scottish Wars of Independence 1286 - 1328


  • The Atlantic Slave Trade
  • The 1960s
  • Scottish Kings and Queens 1400 - 1600


  • Civil Rights in America
  • The Second World War
  • The French Revolution

National 4/5 and Higher:

  • Topics are rotated but include
  • Migration and Empire 1830 - 1939
  • The Era of the Great War, 1900-1928
  • Hitler and Nazi Germany, 1919-39
  • Appeasement and the Road to War, 1918-1939
  • The Making of Modern Britain, 1851-1951
  • National 4 students will complete an Added Value Unit while National 5 and Higher Students will complete an assignment under exam conditions

Skills and Employability

A key component of the History courses in the school is the development of student's investigative and evaluative skills both verbal and written. Students will use a variety of sources, visual and audio, across all year groups to achieve this. Time is also invested throughout the course to integrate literacy and numeracy skills to historical contexts to allow learners to apply skills developed across the curriculum.

The History department aims to provide students with a varied and engaging range of topics that provide them with challenge, stimulation and enjoyment. Students that study History often to move on to further education or roles in law, politics, teaching, tourism and journalism however many of our students choose the subject as they have an interest in, and passion for, History itself.

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