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Instrument Policy

Please note that the school cannot take responsibly for any instruments left un-attended. There is an instrument cupboard in Music, however instruments are left at your discretion. A hard case would be recommended when using this cupboard. Pupils may be able to store their instrument in their locker or carry them around with them.

Thanks. The Music Department.

Useful Links

Please click on the following link to gain access to over 16,000 downloadable sound effects from the BBC:- Sound Effects (opens new window)

Please click on the following link for top tips for young composers:- Tips for young composers (opens new window)

Please click on the following link to view the ICHS Music steps to success:- ICHS Music - Steps to Success (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)

Instrumental Music Instructors Information

Progress Concern Procedure (PDF, 397 KB)(opens new window)

S1 Music Concepts

N3/4 Concept List
N3 StylesN3 Melody/HarmonyN3 Rhythm/TempoN3 Textures/Structure/FormN3 Timbre
RockAscendingBeat/PulseUnison/OctaveStriking (hitting)
PopDescending2, 3 or 4 beats in the barHarmony/ChordBlowing
Latin AmericaStep (stepwise)RepetitionSoloBowing
 Leap (leaping)Drum fillAccompanied/UnaccompaniedStrumming
 ChordDotted minum Strings
 DiscordSemi-breve Brass band
 Treble clef lines & spacesBarlines Woodwind
  Double barlines Acoustic guitar
    Electric guitar
    Drum kit
 N4 Melody/Harmony N4 TimbrePiano
 Octave Brass bandSteel band
   Wind bandScottish dance band
   Bass guitarFolk group


S1 Course - 49 N3/4 Concepts covered
Listening UnitListening Unit 2Listening Unit 3Literacy Booklet
Beat/PulseStep (stepwise)RockTreble clef lines & spaces
Ostinato/RiffLeap (leaping)PopCrotchet
Striking (hitting)2, 3 or 4 beats in the barLatin AmericaMinim
BlowingSteel bandAscendingDotted minum
BowingScottish dance bandDescendingSemi-breve
PluckingFolk groupSequenceBarlines
OrchestraBrass bandUnison/OctaveDouble barlines
StringsWind bandHarmony/Chord 
Bass Solo 
Woodwind Accompanied/Unaccompanied 
 Guitar UnitDrum Kit Unit 
 Acoustic GuitarRepetition 
Keyboard UnitElectric guitarTreble clef lines & spaces 
ChordBass guitarDrum fill 
DiscordStrummingDrum kit 


S2 Music Concepts

N3/4 Concept List
N3 StylesN3 Melody/HarmonyN3 Rhythm/TempoN3 Textures/Structure/FormN3 Timbre
Rock 'n' rollQuestion and answerAccent/AccentedRoundPercussion (tuned and untuned)
 Chord changeOn the beat/Off the beat Organ
N4 Styles Slower/FasterN4 Textures/Structure/FormStaccato
BaroqueN4 Melody/HarmonyPauseCanonLegato
SwingScaleAllegroTheme and variationN4 Timbre
ConcertoPentatonic scale CadenzaViolin
ReggaeOrnamentN4 Rhythm/TempoImitationCello
African music Simple time - 2 3 4 4 4 4 Double Bass
  Compound timeMusic TechHarp
  Andante Clarinet
  Accelerando Saxophone
  Rallentando Pan Pipes
  A tempo Recorder
  Dotted rhythms Trumpet
    Snare Drum
    Bass Drum


S3 Music Concepts

N3/4 Concept List
N3 StylesN3 Melody/HarmonyN3 Rhythm/TempoN4 Textures/Structure/FormN3 Timbre
BluesImprovisationMarchVerse and chorusAccordion
Musical ReelMiddle 8Fiddle
ScottishN4 Melody/HarmonyWaltz Bagpipes
 Drone  Voice
N4 StylesBroken chord/arpeggioN4 Rhythm/Tempo Choir
RagtimeChord progressions - chords I, IV and V (major keys)Syncopation F - FORTE
OperaChange of keyScotch snap P - PIANO
Scots balladVampStrathspey <CRESC - CRESCENDON
Mouth musicScat singingJig >DIM - DIMUENDO
    N4 Timbre
    Backing vocals


S3 Course - 35 N3/4 Concepts covered
BluesVocalScottishLiteracy Booklet
ImprovisationMusicalScottishF - FORTE
BluesOperaScots balladP - PIANO
RagtimeRappingMouth music<CRESC - CRESCENDON
Broken chord/ApeggioScat singingDrone>DIM - DIMUENDO
Chord progressions - chords I, IV and V (major keys)Verse and chorusVampMF - MEZZO FORTE
SyncopationMiddle 8MarchMP - MEZZO PIANO
Instruments of Orchestra part 2ChoirWaltz 
Change of keySopranoScotch snap 
 Backing vocalsFiddle 



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