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Progression in Learning

The next step in the progression in learning material is now live

29 April

Good Morning all,

We hope you are all well and safe.

The next step in the progression in learning material is now live and can be accessed by clicking here:-  Continuity of working from home - 29/04/20 update (opens new window)

Please take the time to watch the videos if you aren't sure, but it is all pretty straight forward.

The next few days are about getting the system ready, so please do not worry if you are not accepted into the team straight away, it will happen in preparation for starting on the 6th of May. As ever, if you do have a question or need a hand, please get in touch on the main school email address.

A couple of other things to update you on;

Science Club: Virtual Science Club - week 2 (opens new window)

The Literacy shorts: Literacy shorts - update 29/04/20 (opens new window)


One for Old and New S5/6

EY is one of the Big Four Global Professionals Services companies and we help other organisations make better decisions about business, finance and technology.

We are still open for our 2020 Business Academy work experience and Apprenticeship programmes in our Edinburgh office.

On Tuesday 12th May 4-5pm, we are hosting an insight webinar for you to find out more about EY, our programmes available for you and our application process.
You can register for the webinar here: EY Webinar registration (opens new window)

Have a good day!

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