ICHS Update
Good Afternoon, Everyone
Good Afternoon, Everyone,
We hope you have a nice weekend planned.
Reverse Advent Calendar
Our S5 pupils, through their YPI course, are organising the collection of different items to support the West Lothian Reverse Advent Calendar. There are lots of items you can donate (please see pdf below) but some of the things we are really short of are:
- UHT Milk
- Christmas or Sponge Pudding
- Tinned Meat and Fish
- Custard, Tinned Fruit, Pancake mix
- Jams, Nutella, Trifle mix
Please be aware that we are not accepting cash donations.
The last day for donations is 9 am on Friday 17th December.
Pupils can bring donations to their tutor class or there is also the option for community donations to be dropped off at the community reception.
Reverse Advent Calendar (PDF, 8 MB)(opens new window)
C-19: Testing & reporting of results
we are really grateful for your ongoing support with face masks and using the lateral flow tests. We have been asked to share this letter by the Scottish Government, for your information: COVID Testing letter (PDF, 467 KB)(opens new window)