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Tuesday Update

We would like to provide you with some updates for this week

07 June


We would like to provide you with some updates for this week. There will also be a survey sent out for all parents/guardians tomorrow. We would appreciate if you would keep a look out for this and complete it. This feedback is valuable for us in improving our school for our community.

Now our S1s have moved into S2 they are allowed out of the school grounds. Once pupils leave the school ground there is no adult supervision. We expect high standards of behaviour from our young people and would remind them not to drop litter in our local area. We will have an assembly tomorrow, Wednesday the 8th of June, to discuss the expectations of behaviour.

Applications are now open for free school transport for August 2022. The process is different this year and all pupils entitled to transport should apply/reapply. Applications close on 17 June 2022. Information about this year's process, including the application form, can be found here: Applications for free school transport (opens new window)

Please see our Summer of Fun activities at ICHS poster: Summer of Fun (PDF, 220 KB)(opens new window)

Have a good evening.

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