Tuesday Update
We are almost at the school summer holidays
We are almost at the school summer holidays and beginning to get some of the nice summer weather, hopefully the holidays will bring more sunshine.
Young Scot National Entitlement Card
We would really like to encourage pupils who haven't finished signing up for a Young Scot card to please do so. The Young Scot cards will help ensure any pupils who need to get the school bus to school after the holidays will get it free of charge. Please go to the wellbeing centre to get more information or click here: Young Scot National Entitlement Card (opens new window)
EMA Applications 2022/23
The application process for EMA payment is now open for the 2022/23 academic year. Please complete both the application form and learner agreement here: Education Maintenance Allowance (opens new window)
NQ Appeals
In May, SQA published 'Appeals 2022: Information for Centres' for SQA co-ordinators on SQA Connect in the 'NQ information' section. SQA also published a general information version on the appeals 2022 page of the main SQA Website (opens new window)
Information for learners on the appeals service has now also been published on the Appeals 2022 web page. SQA will send a hard copy directly to learners at the end of July.
Take Stock
Transform Craigshill invites you to help them "Take Stock" on Thursday 23rd June, between 16:00 and 19:00. Please see the informational Take Stock Info Poster (PDF, 228 KB)(opens new window)
Summer of Fun
Please see below for a range of free summer of fun activities organised by the school and West Lothian Council.
Summer of Fun (PDF, 220 KB)(opens new window)
Summer Football Academy (PDF, 302 KB)(opens new window)
Summer Holiday Activities Programme (PDF, 142 KB)(opens new window)
Have a nice evening.