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Sustainable Careers Fair 2024

Career Inspiration Talk sessions will have a speaker

18 June

Sustainable Careers Fair takes place until Friday 21st June 2024. The week will showcase sustainable careers in our 8 industry sectors, one each morning (9:45 and 10:45 sessions) and afternoon (11:45 and 13:45 sessions), excluding Monday and Friday where there will only be a single sector.

Sessions will last 30 minutes with two for each industry and have two types of sessions available:

Sector Overview sessions will involve a speaker who is senior in that industry providing details of the range of sustainable careers available in that sector.

Career Inspiration Talk sessions will have a speaker(s) in a sustainable career sharing their personal career journey, highlighting hurdles faced, how to follow their footsteps and advice they wish they'd had when younger.

All sessions are free to attend and delivered via MS Teams (Glow not required). Sessions will also be recorded and will be added to the page once the week has concluded for those unable to attend live. Look forward to seeing you there, any questions please get in touch.

Please see the following link for more information: Sustainable Careers Fair 2024 (opens new window)

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