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End of Term Information

11 December

Please be aware that young people will continue to work right up until the end of term. Friday 20th December (the last day of term) will be a dress down/Christmas jumper day, please support us by ensuring your young person is in full uniform until this date. There will be rewards activities on the last day of term. Young people who meet the school's rewards criteria need to be in attendance to take part. It is essential that young people continue to attend right up until the end of term.
S2 and S3 are currently having pathways meetings and these will continue through the last week of term and into January; it is therefore essential that young people continue to attend right up until the end of term. 
S4 to S6: Your young person is undertaking SQA courses this year and staff will continue to provide feedback on practice exams, deliver courses, and work on time-sensitive  coursework in the last week of term.

Thank you for your support with this. 

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