WLC Supported Study 2025

Dear Parent/Carer,
We are delighted to share a programme of online supported study opportunities and resources for targeted subjects across WLC. The LIVE online sessions will be led by experienced members of staff and will focus on exam skills and techniques, which complement other programmes arranged in individual schools.
As a school, we encourage as many young people as possible to take part in the opportunities and feel that this will further support them in their preparations for upcoming exams.
In addition to the attached flyer, the link below will take you to the programme webpage. The page includes further information on the offer and provides resources and advice on supporting your child's wellbeing throughout the exam season.
https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/GJBVyLTdFtil9 (opens new window)
We would appreciate your partnership in ensuring as many young people as possible access the resources available and attend the live online webinars - offered between Monday 24th March and Friday 25th April.
Kind regards,
Mt H Shankland